6 September 2015

A dummy's trading experience Part-0: Start from Zero

I think nothing much to talk about myself as just an ordinary man who trying to earn some pocket money by investing in stock exchange(we normally called it KLSE: Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange in Malaysia). I'm still remember my first counter chosen was AIRASIA(5099), during year end of 2013 which I bought it at RM2.2 and felt so happy because it went up 6% few days later. Since that day(lucky) I thought "hey... this is so easy to make money in KLSE". Soon, I'd started to pump more money into the trading account and hoping to get "fast" money. After that, I've gained more attention in stock market everyday, watching news and even using apps to monitor it. Hoping to understand more and learn more about the market... so, I could make more money in the stock exchange. My second IRIS(0010) had helped me to get more than 10% during the Chinese New Year(2014) and then I bought SBCCORP(5207) later which also made some handsome profit about(30%+). It's seems to be so easy and I started to think 'am a god' in investing. I also topped up even more later as i thought this will help me gain more and of course 'FAST'. Happy huh? seeing someone without any of this so called 'stock exchange' knowledge can make money so easily.

A while later, I made more moves to buy in some counters like GUH(3247), OKA(7140) and more. However, everything seems to be so fine until the world oil price slumped! See, I have no idea what it has to do with my stock that time and it just impacted(more than 30% of Malaysia Government revenue were depending on oil). Without knowing what to do, i just saw my portfolio had turned red for all the counters I've bought over months. People panics, force selling and never see a clear sky during that time. Then, I learnt the terms 'cut loss' during the discussion with my friends. Hence, I also cut my losing and parked my cash until I feel is right to re-enter again.

Since that day, I was trading very patiently and not rushing into the market as 'that' fears me off so badly. I know some who earned and I assumed, mostly have at least 30% negative in the account and still trying to think they know the market so well which can bring their money back after that storm. See, I was so naive and trying to pretend myself knowing the 'Mr Market' very well(but is not true). Am, writing this because I'm still learning and wanted warn those(newbie) who are out there trying to earn fast money like I do. You guys saw how the past months goes as FF(foreign fund) kept selling off, Czech refused the bailout(initially), more lower oil price it goes, RM and Yen depreciated, and not to say our political un-stability. For your info, I have sold all again as to locked in some profit last 2 months before it touches 1500 points(another lucky time for me). I am not asking to sell at this time but, you should start reconsidering whether this is the right time to hold long or sell in the current situation. Think I've missed a lot of details which i will continue to share it soon...

*this is not a buy/sell call and it's merely a sharing*
*don't rush and always play safe*

Hope you enjoy reading, good luck and to be continued...
Still learning and always will be :)

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