23 September 2015

Days after the RM20bil donkey show

Just about a week after the fund of RM20bil announced to save the day. However, the market somehow behaved unexpectedly when everyone still enjoying the ride back above 168X. KLCI has been consecutively dropped for the pass few days and MYR weaken to 4.33+ against USD. Besides, the foreign fund were also found retreating...

Up until now, we never hear of any news from the ValueCap but merely based on own imagination. Many so called GLC related counters were already rebound for more than 20% within days after the announcement. But things seems to be so abstract as no one know where it gone. @.@a

Well, stock market really is a place full of excitement. It can climb up few hundred points up because of some "news" and also can back to square within days. Somehow questions still remained blurred, where and when this RM20bil be rolling out? Donkey show were about to be over and it's time for the real call. Show time's coming, either it is a bull or a bear? we shall see... enjoy it...

Hope you enjoy reading, good luck and to be continued...
Still learning and always will be :)

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