16 September 2015

The RM20bil

Ever wonder, why government intervened the stock market by injecting RM20bil?
To be honest, I'm quite worried and not sure how this will help our economy fundamentally. However, the market is positively behaved after the government's announcement. The ValueCap emerged out of nowhere with this huge capital like GOD. Khazanah, PNB and also KWAP suddenly became the saviour from certain point of view. Why RM20bil but not RM40bil directly push above 1700? What's the point if not focusing on the exact issue causing the foreigns retreat unconfidently? The stock market is actually reflecting on how well Malaysia economy is doing. I maybe wrong, but am pretty sure is due to your politics, your economic policy and part of the overall sentiment. The government should come out with something really help or boost the economy. As the matter of facts, government can do something like promoting local products oversea, improving the infrastructure, subsidise anything that benefits to the citizen and many more. Sorry to say that, obviously the government have no care to the people but to own benefits(GLC)! The people don't feel secure/safe while you became trader yourself to earn some handsome profits huh? The foreigns fund would be so happy when you helps them to unload more. This is definitely a short term solution only. And is not a wise play after all. Let we all see how long the government can play...

feeling disappointing...

Hope you enjoy reading, good luck and to be continued...
Still learning and always will be :)

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